Training Overview

“Training and Placement Department at IIMT Engineering College offers incisive Skills Development Programs to groom students to be Corporate Ready”

The Training Department achieves its Employability enhancement objectives by conducting Intensive Process Oriented classroom training & by organizing events related to both Soft and Hard Skills. These classes and events are managed by a well-groomed team from Academic world and Corporate

Career Awareness Program

IIMT regularly organizes career awareness programs and interactions for final as well as pre-final year students with respective branch mentors and student placement coordinators. These interactions ensure that the students are regularly motivated and their potential is properly channelized into the right directions.

Regular interactions ensure that the students are updated and their potential is properly extracted. In these sessions, the interests of the students are first taken into consideration, then other variables like Aptitude, Skill-set, Academics etc are factored into the equation. Thus providing every student a realistic view of their goals. Due to these efforts, our students not only go for good regular Jobs but also for Higher Education, Entrepreneurship and Civil Services, all according to their potential.

Industry Interaction

The institute also holds regular seminars, webinars, workshops, and interactive sessions from industrial giants. Interacting with Industry experts gives students a hand on experience & an overview of the corporate world & what the future holds for them.

Communication Skills Development

Communication Skill is perhaps the most neglected part of the academic life of most technocrats. Keeping that in mind, IIMT aims to improve the communication skills of the students. Understanding that communication skill development is continual, the team functions amongst all years. Spearheaded by the Training Department, different activities like Workshops, Debates, Mock Interviews, GDs and other activities are conducted to help students improve their communication skills.